3rd case in a month: Man dies in sleep
By Theresa Tan

A THIRD case of an apparently healthy young man dying in his sleep - in less than a month - struck on Monday.
Mr Soh Chee Yong, 25, a store manager, had failed to wake up to meet a friend. Aside from nursing a cold, the trim bachelor had no known ailments and exercised regularly.

In fact, he was careful about what he ate and shunned soft drinks and fried food, his elder brother Chee Wei, 29, told The Straits Times yesterday.

He was neither a smoker nor a drinker, and his blood pressure was normal, his brother added.

His mother, Madam Yu Yue Xiang, 52, a hawker, said her youngest son had a blocked nose days before he died, but it seemed to be nothing serious.

'He didn't see a doctor and was well enough to go to work,' said Madam Yu. On Monday morning, she had woken him up as she usually did.

He told her sleepily it was his day off and went back to sleep, after saying he would go to Kusu island later that morning to pray with a friend.

But he failed to meet his friend as had been arranged.

Worried, the friend called Mr Soh's home. No one picked up the call until late afternoon. It was then that Mr Soh's step-father found his son's lifeless body.

Said Mr Soh's brother Chee Wei: 'We are all devastated. He died so suddenly, just like that.'

The cause of Mr Soh's death has not been determined.

On Oct 24, student Danil Shagimardanov, 16, died in his sleep of cardio-respiratory failure.

Three days later, Dr Christopher Lim, 35, died suddenly. The father of four apparently had a seizure in the early morning hours.
